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Get Involved

We are actively seeking individuals who love the Lord and desire to make Him known in this earth. The opportunity to reach into our local community is great but it takes a team of committed individuals to fulfill the mission. The harvest is truly plentiful, but the laborers are few. We earnestly seek the Lord to send laborers to Camp Galilee that will unite with us in both faith and mission. There are many areas to get involved at camp and opportunities all throughout the year!


A great need at camp is for volunteers to come alongside us in serving the Lord in our community. Areas of constant need are summer camp leaders, grounds upkeep, building and beautification projects and the list goes on and on.


Another great way to partner with camp is through donations. We know that not everyone is called to be the boots on the ground but instead are called to help finance the kingdom. As everyone knows, we need both kinds of partners to make it all happen.


We have a place for you so what are you waiting for? Contact us today!!

Young Volunteers


How can you use your God-given talents and strengths to partner with us to know God and make Him known in our area? We have a variety of opportunities available and would love to speak with you about our current needs and how you can use your passion, skills, and strengths at Camp Galilee. 


We are currently seeking businesses or individuals that can help with the building of our horse arena. 


Another current need is camp leaders for the upcoming summer camp season!

Give Back

Galilee Bible Camp is a non-profit organization that humbly relies on and seeks supporters so we can continue to make God known in our local area. We keep our camp costs affordable and never turn away a camper through offering camperships. Fundraisers are also held yearly to raise funds for running costs and facilities. 


Please consider becoming a financial partner with Galilee Bible Camp and also help us to raise the awareness of our ministry.

Young Volunteers

Open Position

We are searching for a Facilities Manager for Galilee Bible Camp (GBC) in LaFollette, Tennessee. The Facilities Manager will maintain 10 acres of developed camp grounds and facilities, as well as plan and execute new building projects across 50 acres of undeveloped land.


To learn more, click the link below.

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