An InFaith Ministry
Childrens Camp and Refuge
586 Camp Galilee Rd,
LaFollette, TN 37766
Betty Glover: Reaching Local in LaFollette, Tennessee
In 1958, InFaith’s Betty Glover, armed with her nursing knowledge and the gospel of Christ, moved to the Cumberland Mountains of Tennessee to minister to those living in poverty. Her nursing career could have taken her anywhere, but it beckoned her to the poorest areas of these mountains, caring for needs that called for “gallons of worm medicine” and Biblical truth that would draw on every ounce of her faith.
In her 40 years serving with InFaith, she taught countless Bible lessons to children in one-room schoolhouses; distributed innumerable amounts of donated clothing and groceries; helped pioneer Galilee Bible Camp, which continues to serve local children; and went all over the country gathering support for the local work she gave her life to.
Betty Glover was a pioneer. A single female missionary sent out in an endeavor that was untested and unknown. She braved a mission world that—in those days—primarily sent men to do the work.
Now 92-years-old, Betty Glover is still known as “The Bible Lady” throughout her beloved mountains.

To know God and to make Him known to others is our mission at Camp Galilee. We have a heart to see our local community restored by knowing the love of God. We invest into our youth through many programs, but we also have a desire to unite with other local bodies of Christ to fulfill the great commission of going into all the world and preach the gospel and as Ms. Betty Glover stated it, "local is part of this world".

Several years ago, our camp director drove the camp bus to pick up and bring campers to Galilee for their week of camp. The drive to camp is filled with suspense for these campers and excitement. As they neared the long gravel drive of camp, one little girl yelled out, "Are we there yet?" Before our director could answer, another girl answered, "We are getting close, I can feel the peace!" This story has always stayed with me because this camper was left with a lasting impression of God's peace which is evidently felt at camp. It is our hearts desire and prayer that every camper that has been through this camp over the last 60 years has also been left with a lasting impression of God's love for them!

Camp Galilee has such a special place in my heart. I have not only met so many amazing people at camp but also my best friend! GBC is a wonderful place to learn about God and to meet people that will have an amazing impact on you!
Emily F.
"Best camp of my life!" This quote came from my 10-year-old after her week at summer camp. The staff at Camp Galilee went above and beyond to provide a fun yet safe atmosphere for campers. Campers come home with scripture in their hearts and a renewed mind to follow Jesus. We love Camp Galilee!
Jamie M.
In this place, I have heard God’s voice through the laughter of children, through quiet mornings and late-night cabin conversations, through silly songs and sacred hymns and rock bands, through shouts of encouragement across the game field, through gentle breezes and splashes in the lake. I have seen how God is moving in the lives of families in Campbell County, and through the ministry of GBC, He is drawing our hearts toward His.
Stephanie L.
Cabin Leader